Project Summary

Wastewater Management
Client: Special Management Agency of Central Macedonia
Year: 2005

The purpose of the project was the recording of the existing condition as well as the determination of the priorities of the immediate needs, based on the strategic directions of European Union and Greek legislation in the wastewater management sector .

The project was implemented in 2 phases:

During Phase A, a full recording, description and commentary of the existing condition in the wastewater management of Region of Central Macedonia was performed, which included the recording and evaluation of a set of quantitative and qualitative parameters that assisted in the assessment of the existing condition. First, the general characteristics of each Prefecture were recorded, i.e. environmental, geological, hydrogeological, economic activities, etc, as well as the communities of Municipalities by Region by estimating the permanent and seasonal residents which assisted in the calculation of the hydraulic load by region.

Next, a full description of all the existing Wastewater Treatment Plants along with the sewer networks took place, which included the existing facilities, facilities under construction and facilities pending upon approval. The existing facilities were evaluated based on technical, economic, operational and sustainable characteristics. Additionally, all Prefecture wastewater operators were registered and the existing condition was evaluated in terms of operation. Further, the existing potential disposal sites were recorded and classified based on current legislation and Prefectural decrees (water quality limits in the disposal sites, etc). Finally, the existing condition of wastewater management projects was discussed.

In Phase B, the project team developed a comprehensive water management plan for the Region, where the current Greek and European legislation was presented and current legal obligations were highlighted. Afterwards, the key parameters involved in the design of wastewater management projects were indentified and then served as a basis for the determination of the criteria for the selection of the appropriate technical solutions and the prioritization of the projects.

Specifically, at regional administrative level, a broader infrastructure developement plan was developed. This plan included a multi-criteria approach based on technical, economic, environmental, legislative and developmental characteristics that apply to each Prefecture. In the plan were presented opportunities for wastewater co-treatment among neighboring municipalities as well as common infrastructure and facilities that meet the criteria set.

During the formation of the integrated wastewater management plan, besides the legal obligations, additional factors were identified that were taken into consideration for the development of infrastructure and water management facilities. Specifically, based upon the aforementioned parameters, the required works for each Prefecture were estimated, and a calculation of a pre-estimative project construction cost was accomplished. Moreover, the maturation of the implementation of the required projects were presented using a schedule of actions and activities for each Prefecture.

Finally, the financial resources for project funding were identified and the potential operators for the management of the required projects were proposed.

The wastewater masterplan proved to be a useful tool in the Region of Central Macedonia for the wastewater management within its administrative limits.